Honor your team for their work or celebrate a business relationship with a customer.
🌳 Every certificate includes 22 Trees planted
😊 Personalized with your giftee's name
📝 Customized with your company logo
Select the number of certificate bundles you would like to receive, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Estimated delivery: 3 business days
Quantity Unit price
10 - 50 ............................ €52.50
51 - 150 .......................... €41.65
151 - 300 ....................… €33.25
1. Select your desired number of trees
2. Check out & complete your order
3. Our sales team reach out with a template for you to fill w/ the names of your giftees
4. Send the filled out template & your logo if you would like to have it on the certificates
5. We send the document back to you, and adjacent to every name you find a URL which contains your giftees personalized certificate
6. You can either incorporate the URL into your communication or download the certificate & send it digitally
7. Or you could even print out the certificates & send them